Increased risk of child sex abuse during COVID-19 CRISIS

According to Jessica Miller, the executive director of the Gingerbread House which is an agency that works with abused children, the public health emergency caused by COVID-19 , also known as the Corona Virus, is a major threat to child safety and leaves kids open to predators. 

“From the moment the statistics started to show up and we were reading of what was to come, my heart just immediately went to kids who are suffering in silence at the hands of abusers at home,” said Miller. “Now, being at home cooped up…that’s where my heart and mind went to.

The Governor of Louisiana, Jon Bel Edwards, issued an aggressive action to mitigate the spread of the virus with a “stay at home: order across the state, which does keep people isolated  but also causes concern for child safety. “Even though there is social distancing, if you notice crying from your neighbor or a child crying continually, you know this is the time to ask for help and to call for help,” she added. “Don’t be afraid to step up and be a voice.”

In times of economic turmoil, pandemics and natural disasters , it usually increases the level of stress and anxiety in society and also ultimately hurts children. Now more than ever before, children are vulnerable to neighbors, parishioners, clergy or anyone that parents might leave for childcare thinking they can trust. Always be cautious of who you leave your children with, now more than ever predators seek children out.

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