Herricks School District in Court on Alleged Abuse Complaints about School Psychologist in the 1980s

Jeff Herman standing at podium in courtroom

Child sex abuse attorney Jeff Herman took the stand this week at a Nassau County courthouse in New York, representing now-adult victims who were sexually abused as teenagers. It is alleged that the former Herricks High School psychologist, Vincent Festa, molested over a dozen male students while he worked at the school. Though Festa died in 2011, the Herricks School District now faces charges for ignoring sex abuse complaints in the 1980s—while Festa was working at the high school.

The behavior by Herricks administration in the 1980s was reckless and it’s reckless today…Mr. Festa stays at the school. What changes is they start referring to Mr. Festa as ‘Festa the molesta.’ They start chanting ‘Festa the molesta can’t be here another semester.’ – Jeff Herman

Victims of Festa’s abuse were able to come forward under the New York Child Victims Act, which was a window of time for former child sex abuse victims to seek justice against their abusers from decades ago. New York sex abuse lawyer Jeff Herman is experienced in taking on school sex abuse cases and is skillfully representing the victims of Festa’s abuse in the courtroom today.

Read more at CBS News.

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