Hillsboro Fire and Rescue under fire for alleged child sex abuse by former Lieutenant

Child sex abuse charges have been brought against  48-year-old Steven Michael Klaus, a  Hillsboro Fire & Rescue lieutenant.

The initial charges against Klaus include five counts of first-degree sex abuse and two counts of first-degree unlawful sexual penetration.

Klaus’ alleged crimes allegedly occurred over a six-year period starting in 2010 when the minor was under the age of 12.

Klaus has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

“As a public agency with a responsibility to lead with ethics and integrity, the city holds all employees to the highest level of ethical standards,” said Piseth Pich, spokesperson for Hillsboro Fire & Rescue, in a statement. “At this time, Mr. Klaus is not in the workplace. While we find the nature of the allegations appalling, the city must respect the legal process as well as the employee’s rights. We are continuing to review all available information and any further employment action will depend on the facts and information available to the city as this matter progresses.”

A spokesperson from the City said the human resources department has never received complaints against Klaus, who was employed with Hillsboro Fire & Rescue since 1995.

Klaus could face up to 90 years in prison if he’s convicted on the charges.

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