Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn Publishes Names of More Than 100 Clergy Members It Says Were Accused of Sexual Abuse

The Brooklyn Diocese published the names of more than 100 clergy members it says have been credibly accused of sexually abusing children during the diocese’s 166-year history.

The disclosure covers decades of allegations involving priests who had served in the diocese’s many neighborhood parishes, as well as its schools, including Cathedral Preparatory, Christ the King, St. Francis Preparatory and Archbishop Molloy high schools.

The Brooklyn Diocese is one of the largest in the nation, encompassing Brooklyn and Queens in New York City, an area with 1.5 million people who the church says identify as Catholic. Brooklyn’s disclosure follows the release of similar lists by other dioceses.

Roman Catholic dioceses in more than two dozen states have named suspected abusers in the wake of a landmark grand jury report last year in Pennsylvania. Nearly 2,000 accused clergy members and others nationwide have been identified, a review by The Associated Press found.

According to Jeff Herman, a nationally recognized attorney for victims of sexual abuse, “This transparency is a step toward justice and healing. Seeing the names can help survivors feel less alone in their suffering. Exposing predator priests and enablers might encourage victims to step forward, share their story, and find long overdue solace and healing.”


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