Rev. Michael Tierney, now deceased, named in several lawsuits alleging sex abuse of altar boys

Rev. Michael Tierney, a priest from the Kansas City-area, also  one of the named priests on the list of clergy credibly accused of sexually abusing minors, has passed away at age 76. 

The Rev. Michael Tierney died on Dec. 15, 2020. 

Tierney had been named in several  civil lawsuits that accused him of sexual abuse of minors. The Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph removed him from all pastoral assignments back in 2011, however,  he was never prosecuted.

The list of credibly accused priests recognizes canonical trial as “decreed guilt in multiple cases.”


Tierney was ordained in 1969 and served in St. Joseph and Kansas City parishes. He was removed from his last posting  at Christ the King in Kansas City, by diocesan officials  in June 2011.

Tierney had continually denied the allegations.

In 2010, the first law suit filed against Tierney accused him of abusing a 13-year-old boy in the 1970s. Tierney asked the boy to move furniture at  his mother’s house and then allegedly fondled and groped him. About a  year later, another lawsuit ws filed against Tierney, making it  the 5th lawsuit against him  accusing him of sexually abusing an altar boy at St. Elizabeth Catholic Church. 

Tierney was listed with the other 12  priests named in a 47-plaintiff case  in 2008, which settled for $10 Million.

If you or someone you know is a survivor of sexual abuse, Herman Law may be able to help you achieve justice. Jeff Herman is a trailblazer in the representation of victims of sexual abuse, devoting 100% of his practice to the cause. Renowned for his aggressive and tireless advocacy on behalf of his clients, and his determination to help his clients heal through the litigation process, Jeff understands the unique issues involved in the representation of survivors of rape and sexual abuse.

Jeff Herman and his team only handle sexual abuse cases and have represented over 2,000 victims since 1997. The firm offers free consultations and works on a contingency basis. Now is the time to reach out, seek justice and  begin to heal.

Please contact us today to discuss your options.

The Child Victims Act has a one-year window in some states, some more, some less, for adults who were abused as children to come forward against their perpetrators. Now is the time to act and empower yourselves and begin the healing process.

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