New York Passes Child Victims Act

After years of a hard fought battle, survivors of sexual abuse in New York have finally won. For the first time, those who were sexually abused long ago will finally have a voice. On Monday, New York legislature passed the Child Victims Act that will allow survivors to seek civil justice until age 55, from what was previously cut off at age 23. More importantly, the Child Victims Act will create a one year window in which victims of sexual abuse can file lawsuits no matter how long ago they were abused. Attorney Jeff Herman said, “This bill is a historic victory for all of the brave survivors in New York who have been suffering in silence. They have finally been given a voice and the opportunity to seek out the justice they so rightfully deserve.” The Child Victims Act has been proposed in the legislature for many years only to be shut down amid intense pressure and opposition from the Catholic Church. There are countless pedophiles who will now be exposed and prosecuted properly. The Archdiocese of New York has paid over $60 million in the past two years to settle cases outside of court. Survivors have alleged that officials from the Archdiocese such as Cardinal Theodore McCarrick have been known predators since long ago, yet until now nothing could be done as they were out of statute. Officials who have been shielded by the church for so many years will finally be held accountable along with the institutions that have hid these predators for so long.


Publicly accused priest from the Archdiocese of New York according to

Albino John C. Baisi Linda Bazalar Juan Bokulich Dominic (Br Leopold Boschetto Laurence Boxelaar George Boyle Francis V. Brady John Joseph Brady Timothy Byrne Harry J. Calabrese Daniel A. Carr Cornelius  Carson David L. Clark Joseph M. Coen Charles P. Coppinger John W. D’Argenio Herbert Drake Roy A. Duenas Jaime (James) Eremito Anthony Joseph Fennessy Keith Fusco Albin D. Gaffney Thomas J. Gallant Alfred F. Gallant John P. Galligan Damian Gentile Gennaro  Giuliano Anthony J. Gordon Lawrence Gorman Richard Greene William T. Harrington John Harris Wallace A. Harrison Robert  Hennessy Paul Kevin Hyland Raymond A. Inzeo Lawrence C. Jeffers Robert A. Jenik John Joseph Jesselli Kenneth A. Kavanagh Charles M. Kelly Timothy Kennington Jack Kiarie Peter Kihm Peter J.  Kreiser Thomas L. Kuhl Morgan J. LaBelle Ralph W. Lennon John W. Liguori (Ligouri) James A. Lott Robert V. Lynch Bernard Maffei Joseph Malone Donald T. Manzione Arthur Martin Patrick H. Mary Andrew Sister Mazza Albert J. McCarrick (Cardinal) Theodore McCormick Richard J. McDonagh Charles McGovern Robert B. Meehan John T. Mills Henry Netter Edmund W. Nowak Randolph  O’Brien Eugene J O’Brien John Francis O’Connell Kenneth F. O’Connor John Justin O’Herlihy Michael D. O’Keefe John Parrakow Edmond A. Pintado Herrera Jorge Patricio Pipala Edward Pliauplis Christopher Post Robert  Quigley Dominic Quigley Patrick W. Quinn Lawrence J. Rios Louis J. (Luis) Ritter Bruce Rodriguez Esteban Rodriguez Ruben Rooney Sean Leo Scheneman Alan Stinner Francis Tamburrino James Theisen (Thiesen) Joseph L. Timone Donald G.  Titone Robert A. Whelan (Whalen) Donald J.  White William T. Williams William E.  Wolf Casper G.


Below is a list of accused priests from the Diocese of Syracuse and the Diocese of Buffalo.

-According to Lists Release by the Catholic Church


Robert Birchmeyer

Paul Brigandi

John Broderick

Daniel Casey

Felix Colosimo

Donald Crosby

Edmund Durr

Charles Eckermann

Francis Furfaro

Thomas Guyder

John Harrold

James Hayes

Donald Hebert

Leo Heizman

David Jutton

Edward Kieley

Thomas Keating

Robert Kloster

C. Vincent Lane Jr.

Steven Litz Jr.

William Lorenz

Edward Madore

George Mattice Jr.

Chester Misercola

Robert Ours

Joseph Pace

David Pichette

Albert Proud

James A. Quinn

James F. Quinn

Walter Sinnott

H. Charles Sewall

Paul Slavetskas

John Wagner

Jerome Weber

Thomas Zedar

John Zeder




John R. Aurelio (2009)

Donald W. Becker

David M. Bialkowski

Robert J. Biesinger (2012)

James H. Cotter (1991)

Donald F. Fafinksi

Douglas F. Faraci

Fred G. Fi

Michael R. Freeman (2010)

Joseph P. Friel (1995)

Mark M. Friel

Thomas G. Gresock

John P. Hajduk

Michael J. Harrington (1989)

Brian M. Hatrick

James P. Hayes (1988)

Louis J. Hendricks (1990)

J. Grant Higgins (2016)

Francis T. Hogan (2010)

Fred D. Ingalls

Florian A. Jasinski (1983)

Gerald C. Jasinski

Richard P. Judd (1988)

Timothy J. Kelley

Thomas L. Kemp

Richard J. Keppeler (2011)

John D. Lewandowski (1982)

Bernard M. Mach (2004)

Loville N. Martlock (2014)

Thomas J. McCarthy

Basil A. Ormsby (1997)

Norbert F. Orsolits

Martin L. Pavlock

Roy K. Ronald (2013)

Joseph E. Schieder (1996)

Gerard A. Smyczynski (1999)

James A. Spielman

Chester S. Stachewicz

Edward J. Walker (2002)

William G. Ward (2008)

William F. J. White(2016)

Robert W. Wood


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