Local Boy Scouts Council Sex abuse lawsuit halted

The Boy Scouts of America have requested that the Delaware bankruptcy judge to halt lawsuits against the local Scouts councils while the Boy Scouts of America continue to work on its bankruptcy plan and set up a compensation fund to the 1000’s of men who have come forward to accuse the Scout leaders of sexual abuse while they were just boys.

The Delaware judge approved a proposed consent order that had been agreed to by the official bankruptcy committees representing sexual abuse survivors and the Boy Scouts of America as well as other unsecured creditors.

The judge overruled an objection by attorneys for one survivor who wanted to pursue a lawsuit against former master scout Douglas Nail as well as the Greater Niagara Frontier Council in New York. Nail pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography in 2004 and was sentenced to 10 years in prison.  He is accused of molesting boy scouts for a period covering several years starting in the 1980’s.

The judge’s ruling puts the lawsuit against the Greater Niagara council on hold which will allow the proceedings of litigation against Nail to move forward.

The boy scouts had initially wanted to halt the litigation against local councils six months from the date of its February 18 bankruptcy filing. The lawsuit is being called to be put on hold through May 18 with the possibility of extension.

In granting the BSA’s request for a preliminary injunction, the judge said the interests and missions of the BSA and its local councils are “inextricably intertwined.”

Our attorneys have skillfully and successfully handled sexual abuse cases involving Boy Scouts across the country.

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