Lawyer with Corona Virus causes Mistrial for Sex abuse accused Doctor

The corona virus is affecting more people than originally thought, including  a doctor accused of sexual abuse. Justice Ruth Pickholz, a Manhattan Judge, stopped the trial of Eric Braverman, accused sex abuser, after his lawyer showed up to the Manhattan Supreme Court with coronavirus symptoms such as coughing, fatigue and a high fever. 

His lawyer, Vogelman, tried to examine the defense witness from a speakerphone from a conference room on the 16th floor instead of appearing in the courtroom. He struggled to speak loud enough and experienced technical issues with the audio for anyone to hear. 

Justice Pickholz then declared  “Jurors, this case is over, I have to declare a mistrial. We need a fair trial. We need a lawyer who can represent his client. We need everyone to stay healthy. Your jury service is over. Stay healthy, stay in touch.”

Braverman is accused of molesting a female patient at his practice  in July 2017 and faces one count of forcibly touching and a third degree of sexual abuse. 

He is accused of meeting this woman at a networking event and convincing her to come to his medical office so he could help her with her eczema, then allegedly sexually molested her by providing what he called a holistic massage.

Braverman was concerned that is will be a three month deal which would cost him between $30,000-$100,000.

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