Children are more vulnerable to become victims of Sex abuse now during COVID-19

As parents around the world are embracing this new reality of working from home and kids are out of school until who knows when, there are many changes that are taking place in the household dynamics. Some parents may no longer have the childcare they need and feel that they need to rely on neighbors or clergy or anyone willing to lend a hand to assist with their children. 

But parents and caregivers need to be even more concerned with kids safety than the COVID-19 virus. It is statically proven that during times of uncertainty and even more so in a crisis, predators come out and prey. Rates of abuse and neglect increase and sexual assault especially among young teens rises.  Sexual violence is common in settings involving humanitarian crises.

Children are the most vulnerable during this corona virus pandemic to be exposed to both online sexual predators as well as in person, with people that parents think they can “trust”. 

Children are very vulnerable and at risk when left alone, be it in the doctors office, at home with a tutor, or even a clergy member or trusted Priest or Rabbi. 

Herman Law has dedicated the past 20 years to helping children of sexual abuse and now, more than ever before, with the global crisis, it is increasingly important to watch your kids more closely and be selective with whom you leave them while you are working…even at home. You need to know who is lurking in their social media and apps and even next door. 

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