Woman: If you were a victim of Jerry Sandusky, what should you do?
Man: Well, if you or your child was a victim of Jerry Sandusky, what you need to do is reach out and get help. The worst thing to do is be suffering in silence, and that’s unfortunately what we see happen with a lot of victims.
A victim feels isolated. They’re scared. But hopefully, by other victims coming forward now, we’re gonna see this collective empowerment so that they feel strong enough to reach out and get help.
One of the first things that we do here in our firm is sort of sit down and provide a road map for victims on what to do, and what’s gonna happen, because there’s different components. There’s the criminal aspect, there’s the civil case. And then there’s the therapy which is critical. It overlays everything that happens for the victim as they’re going through these other parts of the legal process.
But get help from professionals who are used to handling these kinds of cases, because there are things that can happen in a case that will impact a victim’s healing, and you want to make sure that the focus of everything that the family and the victim does is towards making sure the healing process has begun.