Priest removed from post due to his popular blog condemning Church handling of Sex Abuse Scandal

A Virginia Priest who was Virginia a blog that criticized the Catholic Church’s handling of sex abuse scandal has bee removed from his post. Reverend mark White who wrote a blog that reached over a million readers was removed fro this post  as  the priest of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Martinsville and St. Francis of Assisi in Rocky Mount.

The Catholic Diocese of Richmond, Bishop Barry Knestout, says Reverend White has since been reassigned as chaplain of different state and federal prisons within the dioceses.

“Being a silenced priest is a painful thing to be. I wouldn’t wish it on anybody,” says Father Mark White.

White ran a blog that grew in popularity which expressed his disappointment and frustration over how theChurch’s hierarchy had a n apathetic attitude toward handling its sex abuse scandal.

“We need to, I think, to confront the cover-ups that have occurred and the pain that the victims of sexual abuse have endured at the hand of people they trusted,” said White.

White wrote in his blog about his serious concerns with the Church’s lackluster response to the sex abuse scanda; that involved  Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the very man who ordained White as a priest. r has since resigned.

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