Ohio State University Sex abuse scandal decades old unpaused

A federal judge moved forward on a lawsuit to proceed with possible settlements in the case against Ohio State University over sex abuse charges by a team doctor from over 20 years ago.


Over 350 men and former athletes alleged abuse by  Richard Strauss, the Ohio State University doctor, since deceased, and are suing the school for neglecting to stop the doctor despite accusations that they were aware of the concern of sexual abuse during his tenure, but the lawsuit has been on hold as the cases were in mediation.

The details were not made public but Ohio State announced announced it had reached a settlement last month with approximately half the men who were abused as they ad asked the judge to resume the litigation.

Judge Michael Watson’s order said he was recently notified by the mediator “that the situation warranted parallel mediation and litigation efforts.”

University officials said they are committed to a “monetary resolution” and have publicly apologized to those men who were harmed by Strauss decades ago.

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