NY elite private school Saint David named in lawsuit amidst child sexual abuse allegations

Saint David’s School, an elite private school in Manhattan, is named in a $20 million lawsuit alleging sexual abuse of a former student by 3 staff members dating back years ago. 

The former student, Anthony Filiberti, is the second victim to come forward alleging sexual abuse. The first alleged victim, Peter DeFeo, accused the former teachers of the school of molesting him when he was just 8 years old. He is now 59. 

“Initially, it was incredibly pleasant. You ran around this donated mansion,” said Filiberti of the school. He is now age 60 an sugn under the Child Victims Act.
The prestigious all boys elementary school costs $50,000 a year, and has a famous roster of students, including Tom Brady’s son.

Filiberti claims his former teacher, Rey Buono, was the first to abuse him. The lawsuit was filed under New York’s Child Victims Act, which just last week, was extended another year.

Buono, now 74, is facing child sex abuse charges in Massachusetts and is currently out on a $50,000 bail.

Filiberti’s alleged second abuser was his guitar teacher Chuck Jones. Jones allegedly gave Filiberti drugs, and according to the lawsuit, after the teen was drugged and incapacitated, Jones would sexually abuse him.

In court documents, Jones’ bragged about a pair of jeans in which he had sewn pieces of hair of the kids he had abused.“He was proud of it. He called it, ‘All the young dudes.’ He got so many of them he turned it into a braid,” said Filiberti.

Filiberti also claimed that Saint David’s French teacher, Charlie Rich, would have sex with Jones in front of him and then abuse him as well. “They would do what they would do, to sort of gauge reaction, groom, test, push boundaries,” he said.

St. David’s School issued a statement that read: “Last December, after a member of our community came forward with allegations of abuse by a teacher who worked at our school some 50 years ago, Saint David’s encouraged any individual who had experienced or was aware of inappropriate conduct by anyone while at the school to contact us. We remain open for anyone to speak with us and are committed to investigating any allegations that we receive,”.

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