Herman Law Petitions to Release Secret Files, Press Conference on Monday


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PRESS CONFERENCE TO BE HELD                                   CONTACT: LISA DANIELS

MONDAY, JULY 15, 2019 (12:00 PM)                                   (212) 390-0100

LOCATION DETAILS BELOW                                     



Secret Files Will Help Victims of Abuse File Claims Under the Child Victims Act Next Month

New York, NY ­– Sex abuse victim’s attorney Jeff Herman will hold a press conference on Monday, July 15, 2019, announcing the launch of a petition targeted against the dioceses of the Catholic Church in New York State. The petition urges church leaders to release long-secret files on predator priests that preyed on vulnerable children within the church for decades. The secret database contains information about accused priests, the acts they committed, and how the church acted to cover up their misdeeds.

With the New York Child Victims Act one-year filing window opening on August 15, 2019, victims must swiftly assess and prepare any potential claims they may have against the church. The secret church files are instrumental in this process. Without the immediate public release of these files, victims may miss out on their long-awaited opportunity to seek justice for the abuse they suffered at the hands of predator priests sheltered by church officials.

The petition, which can be read and signed by clicking here, hopes to garner thousands of signatures in support of an important component to the difficult healing and reconciliation process that victims have worked towards for years. Each signature represents another voice in the fight for victims.

With the launch of the petition, attorney Jeff Herman continues his advocacy for victims of sexual abuse at the hands of the church. Earlier this year, Herman announced the filing of a class action lawsuit on behalf of lead plaintiff Emmett Caldwell which seeks to void the Release he and other victims signed relinquishing their claims for childhood sexual abuse against the ARCHDIOCESE OF NEW YORK, pursuant to the Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program (IRCP).

“It is time for justice, it is time for healing, it is time for truth,” said attorney Jeff Herman regarding the petition to release the secret files. Herman Law represents hundreds of victims of childhood sexual abuse by clergy. In anticipation of the opening of the filing window, Herman Law has constructed its own “Predator Priest Index” (PPI), which lists over 500 accused priests in New York State compiled through the firm’s own investigations and outside sources. When the New York Child Victims Act window opens on August 15, 2019, Herman Law will begin filing these claims against the church, along with the claims of other child victims, in the proper New York courts.

The press conference will be held Monday, July 15th at 12:00 P.M. outside of the ARCHDIOCESE OF NEW YORK – 1011 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10022.


Herman Law is a law firm for victims of sexual abuse across the nation.  The firm is led by its founder Jeff Herman, who is recognized as one of the country’s leading attorneys for child victims of sexual abuse.  The firm has obtained over $200 Million in verdicts and settlements.  Jeff has developed a national reputation for his powerful advocacy and unwavering dedication to his clients.  Herman Law is committed to empowering victims of sexual abuse to take back their lives and begin the healing process.

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