Gary Carr, Former Springfield Priest accused of sexually abusing boys 30 years ago.

This week, the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau, announced three new child sex abuse allegations against Gary Carr, a former Springfield priest.

Now 66,  Gary Carr has already been credibly accused of sexually abusing a boy between the ages of 10 and 13 in Missouri nearly 30 years ago.

This week, the diocese announced that it had since become aware of three more allegations of child sexual abuse in the late 1980’s that involved Father Carr. 

In a June meeting, the Diocesan Safe Environment Review Board said that all three allegations met the diocese’s “semblance of truth” standard.

During his 38-year career as a priest, Carr worked in Springfield and had several other positions in southwest Missouri.

All four of the sexual abuse allegations  against Carr came from men who say they were abused by Carr when they were children. Criminal charges against Carr have not been brought up yet. 

Carr has been retired since November and lives in St. Louis, and has been restricted in ministry with no priestly faculties for the last 11 years of his career

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