Former Rev. Joseph L. Sredzinski and The Diocese of Greensburg named in child sex abuse in lawsuit

A lawsuit has been filed claiming that the now deceased, Rev. Joseph L. Sredzinski, sexually abused a minor when the child was just 11 years old, dating back to 1991. The victim claims that the abuse continued until he was 17. Now, 40 years old, he is suing The Diocese of Greensburg and Bishop Edward Malesic, under the Child Victims Act.

Sredzinski, who died in 2015, served at the former St. Joseph Church in Everson, Fayette County, from 1989 to 1999. 

A spokesman for the diocese declined to comment.

Sredzinski was named in a Pennsylvania grand jury report back in 2018, which wrote about concerns about his “inappropriate relationship with multiple local boys.”

There is a list of priests in the Greensburg diocese with “credible and substantiated allegations (of sexual abuse) against them.”

The lawsuit alleges Sredzinski began “grooming” the victim for sex when he was very young and allegedly Sredzinski raped him in the church rectory and during overnight trips where Sredzinski and the victim shared a hotel room and slept in the same bed.

The lawsuit claims that the victim tried to report the abuse when he was 13 by leaving phone messages at the Greensburg bishop’s office, but he never heard back and allegedly nothing changed.

If you or someone you know is a survivor of sexual abuse, Herman Law may be able to help you achieve justice. Jeff Herman is a trailblazer in the representation of victims of sexual abuse, devoting 100% of his practice to the cause. Renowned for his aggressive and tireless advocacy on behalf of his clients, and his determination to help his clients heal through the litigation process, Jeff understands the unique issues involved in the representation of survivors of rape and sexual abuse. 

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