Colorado most recent state to discuss open window for victims of child sex abuse to file claims

Lawmakers in Colorado are discussing opening a window to allow adult victims of child sex abuse to file claims agains their perpetrators. The window of opportunity had previously been closed due to statute of limitations expiring. 

Lawmakers are talking about  whether to give victims of child sexual abuse an unlimited time frame to file suits against  their abusers. Last year an effort to establish this law was declined  because of fights that lawmaker had internally regarding the policy change. 

Senate Bill 73 was discussed last week and  unanimously passed the Senate Health and Human Services Committee.


Currently, the law only allows  victims of child sexual abuse  6 years after they  turn 18 to file suits against their perpetrators.  The new proposed  legislation would eliminate that  time restriction. The window  would apply to victims who were  abused after Jan. 1, 2022, in addition to victims who are  still within the window of the statute of limitations by that date.

Another legislation that was proposed, Senate Bill 88, is offering  to allow victims of child se abuse an opportunity to sue the institutions  that failed to intervene when the abuse was happening.

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