Christian Youth Theater faces sex abuse allegations

Janie Russell Cox, The President  of San Diego’s Christian Youth Theater, which is known as CYT, confirmed there is credibility to sex abuse claims from students who have been coming forward recently on social media.

The President of the CYT even said that one of the claims dating back years ago was from a close family member of hers.

Part of a statement on  the Theater’s Facebook page said, “We are deeply saddened to learn about statements that have recently been made on social media involving former CYT students, and we want you to know that we take these allegations very seriously…We have been working tirelessly on these issues with the authorities, outside consultants, staff, and the Board of Directors since they were brought to our attention…”

The theater school which was founded 40 years ago, and has become one of the largest theater programs in the nation, is an after school program for students ranging from 4-years-old to 18-years-old. 

 The number of alleged victims could not be confirmed but the claims so far are from former students – not current students.

Th President of the program will provide an on-camera interview in the upcoming days. She also confirmed that her close family member had posted about his abuse from many years ago on social media and she is deeply saddened by this situation.

“We solely want to focus on ongoing investigations and make necessary improvements required to bring restoration, healing,” Cox said.

An ongoing investigation by San Diego Police has not led to any charges as of yet. 

If you or someone you know is a survivor of sexual abuse, Herman Law may be able to help you achieve justice. Jeff Herman is a trailblazer in the representation of victims of sexual abuse, devoting 100% of his practice to the cause. Renowned for his aggressive and tireless advocacy on behalf of his clients, and his determination to help his clients heal through the litigation process, Jeff understands the unique issues involved in the representation of survivors of rape and sexual abuse. 

Jeff Herman and his team only handle sexual abuse cases and have represented over 2,000 victims since 1997. The firm offers free consultations and works on a contingency basis. Now is the time to reach out, seek justice and  begin to heal.

Please contact us today to discuss your options

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