Catholic Diocese of Memphis releases a list of clergy credibly accused of sexual abuse

The list of 20 names that include clergy that have been credibly accused of sex abuse of children has finally been released a month after promising survivors that it would be done. 

This list is mostly composed of names that have already been compiled by the religious orders of other dioceses. 

“We are heartbroken and deeply saddened for the victims of these crimes and we have been scandalized to learn that some of those in authority ignored the cries from victims or minimized the damage,” wrote the Most Rev. David Talley, bishop of the Diocese of Memphis, in a letter accompanying the list. “…The evils of the past can only be purged through a vigilant process of examination that is transparent to the public. Our response must demonstrate the highest levels of honesty and scrutiny.”

This list of credibly accused clergy comes after 178 other dioceses and 64.7 million Catholics released their own lists. 

“The Board is charged to determine whether it is more likely than not that the accused cleric engaged in sexual misconduct involving a minor,” the report reads.

 As a result of the Child Victims Act’s one-year window, victims must swiftly assess and prepare any potential claims they may have against the entities responsible for their abuse. Herman Law represents hundreds of victims of childhood sexual abuse in New York, many of whom have been victims of the widespread problem of sex abuse within the Catholic Church.

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