Who do you represent?

I would say that my cases break down into three categories of victims of sexual abuse.  I represent kids who were sexually abused, I represent adult survivors who were sexually abused as kids, and I represented adults who are sexually assaulted. So, the adults that were sexually assaulted come from all different areas of life. What we find is that right now there’s really an epidemic of sexual assaults on campus. It’s literally out of control. I get calls almost maybe weekly from victims, from girls who are sexually assaulted on campus. Whether it’s at a  fraternity party, or whether it’s bars on campus or whether it’s in the dorm on campus. It’s a huge problem.  I think it’s relates to the fact that there’s more sexual abuse in the world today than ever because of the Internet. Other adult victims who are  sexually assaulted come to me from situations where they’re in medical care,  hospitals or their doctors, or in residential treatment centers where they may have been sexually assaulted.
Third category that I get a lot of cases from are women who are getting massages at spas and they’re sexually assaulted. It’s mind boggling the number of female victims that are out there, and it’s very complicated for these victims because, what happens in many instances for women who are sexually assaulted in these situations is when they’re being assaulted they go into the freeze response. It’s actually called “Toxic Immobility”. It’s something that happens in the brain, it’s almost like playing dead while they’re being sexually assaulted and so for a lot of these women they feel guilty, they feel ashamed that they didn’t scream, they didn’t fight, they didn’t run, and it just complicates their damages and makes it more difficult and it makes them harder for them to come forward and tell their story. One of the things I think that I do bring to the table is I understand what happens. And I’ve heard it all and I know what goes on with victims and I can understand that and so I think they feel comfortable in telling me their story because I believe them and I understand, you know, what happened.