What should I expect from religious community if I file a lawsuit?

Victims can expect the response from their religious community when they file a lawsuit against their religious institution, that there will be some people who are very supportive, and there will be some people, who were there might be some backlash and it a very complicated issue because what happens with clergy abuse cases is that people who are religious, they have a connection, they find a connection between their clergy and God. And so, when someone is accusing their clergy of sexual abuse, it’s very hard for other people to understand that it’s not an indictment of their belief in God. That it’s an indictment of a man and institution that is fallable.
Now we’ve come a long way in this country, I think over the last decade or so and that people really have that understanding but not everybody but the most important thing that I remind people of is that we do is protect children. We protect children by exposing predators, and representing victims who have been sexually abused and so what people the most important thing when it comes to the clergy, I think for victims is to remember that they’re going after an institution that is run by man, and it does not have anything to do with their belief in God.