Sex Abuse Victims Equal Rights (SAVER) Foundation

The SAVER Foundation is very important to me. It stands for the Sex Abuse Victims’ Equal Rights Foundation, and what that’s about is it’s an avenue where I can provide free legal services to victims of sexual abuse. Too often I get a phone call from the victim, and because the case might not be against an institution or some other reason, it’s a case that we wouldn’t take in our firm, and, you know, it’s so hard. It’s a difficult thing because here you have this victim who’s coming forward, and I really wanna be able to help them.

So I set this foundation, and what we do is we take on cases for free, no charge, and it’s what we call pro bono, and it allows us to represent a victim and we file these cases against individual perpetrators. The purpose of the foundation is to provide the access to the court for these people who would otherwise not be able to bring their cases. And we file against the perpetrators and we expose the perpetrator, and so we’re protecting kids in the future, and that’s really important. And by holding the perpetrators accountable, we’re empowering that victim. We’re giving them their chance, their right to the courts, and hopefully it helps them to begin the healing process.