Jeff Herman Speaks with Media Regarding New Allegations Against Father Rolando Garcia

Anonymous man: I’m furious, is what I am.

Reporter: Anger and disbelief after a Catholic priest remains active following a new shocking allegations.

Anonymous man: I don’t know how they allow it. I don’t understand

Reporter -This man, who wants to remain anonymous, says Father Rolando Garcia, St. Agatha Catholic Church, knew that a fellow priest, identified as Father Christopher De Jesus Puertas was abusing him as a child, and he did nothing to stop it. Rather…

Anonymous man: He was paying me to keep it quiet when Christopher De Jesus Puertas was raping me.

Reporter: The man reached out to attorney Jeff Herman after learning that his client, who was reportedly abused by Garcia about 30 years ago, filed suit against the Archdiocese of Miami.

Anonymous man: Kissed me, abused me, touched me.

Reporter : The Archdiocese of Miami and Garcia deny the accusations in a written statement. But Herman says what they’ve failed to tell the public was that they settled the suit with this man in 2011. The suit detailed that Father Garcia allegedly knew about Father Puertas and his sexual abuse of boys, adding the accusations were concealed and covered up by at least Garcia and the Archdiocese.

Jeff: That fact, in and of itself, in my opinion, makes Father Garcia unsafe to be around children.

Reporter : At St. Agatha Catholic Church, parents had little to say.

Woman: No comment, ok.

Reporter: But a few weeks ago parent Sebastian Rahon and other concerned parents spoke to NBC 6 about an online petition to have Father Garcia removed from St. Agatha.

Woman 2: It just doesn’t give me a good feeling at all.

Reporter: Thursday this alleged victim said this time he’s not seeking money, he just wants to protect the children.

Anonymous man: I’m upset. This man is preaching to hundreds of people out there, and he’s wearing a mask. The man needs to be removed.