Jeff: When I first got involved in these cases, it was so important to the families and to the victims. And as I worked with these families, it really hit home for me. And I realized that I was making a difference and that in so many cases, it changed lives. And so it was very rewarding on many levels and it really became a passion for me. It became really a calling for me, and I devoted my career to this now because it’s important.
Adam: We understand that it is very difficult for clients to pick up the phone and call an attorney and talk about the details of their childhood. The fact that it is difficult is not lost on us for a single moment. Because of that, we take our jobs very, very seriously. We understand that a lot of trust is placed on us, and with that comes a huge amount of responsibility.
Stuart: It is extremely important and meaningful to be doing work of such social importance and social value. When I first started practice, for the first 10 years, I worked for a very large law firm in commercial law, and I found it very unfulfilling. Since the mid-90s I’ve been working with Jeff and we’ve embarked on these cases representing victims and it has been extremely meaningful for me and has turned my life around and completely changed my attitude and approach to my career and what I do on a daily basis.
Jessica: I am so proud to be a part of this team. We really are a dedicated group of professionals. We’re very cohesive, but at the same time, we each bring different skills and different talents to the table. And between our attorneys, we have more than five decades of combined experience representing victims of sexual abuse. And we know that it can be hard and it can be complicated, and we are ready to take on the challenges that may come.
Arick: What I love most about this team is the dedication that everyone here shows for this line of work. Working here is not a 9 to 5 job. It’s pretty remarkable how everyone working here really, not only dedicates their careers but in some ways their lives to helping victims of sexual abuse.
Stuart: You know, people ask me all the time, isn’t it very hard representing victims? And while yes it is, it’s so rewarding being able to play the role that we do in the healing process.
Adam: I can’t think of a more rewarding practice area than representing survivors of childhood sex abuse. People come to us with intimate details about their lives and the difficulty they’ve gone through. To have the opportunity to help our clients through the healing process and get them restitution and place responsibility where it belongs is one of the most rewarding parts of our job.
Jeff: By coming forward as an adult survivor, the victim is kick-starting the healing process. They go from being a victim to a survivor.
Jessica: Through the course of my career, I have been honored to work with more than 1,000 survivors of sexual abuse, both as a paralegal and now as an attorney, and it has been a truly life-changing experience for me. It is so important that people know that there are people who are willing to advocate for them and who are willing to speak up for them and it is truly an honor for me to be able to do that. And no matter what, no matter when you are feeling hopeless and no matter when you are feeling alone, there is always someone that is there and that’s on your side to support you.
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