Last minute changes to the soon to be voted on Child’s Victims Act

New York State will soon be voting on a revised and updated version of the Child Victims Act. Lawmakers in the state have been working to find ways to make it easier for child victims to come forward and get justice for the crimes done to them as children.

Currently, child victims only have until the age of 23 to report child sex abuse. As more research has been done into the psychological aspect of child sex abuse, it has shown that victims are not able to come to terms with what occurred until much later in life, causing the statute of limitations to prevent adults from getting justice for these terrible crimes.

Recently, Governor Cuomo sought to raise the statute of limitations to the age of 50, but this revised version takes it a step further, allowing victims to report sex abuse up until they turn 55. The revised version of the bill will also do away with the rule that if you are assaulted at a public institution, you must report the crime within 90 days for it to be valid. Those abused in a public institution, such as a school or church, would be treated to the same law and have until their 55th birthday to report the crime.

In addition, the bill will also allow older cases to be revived and reviewed under the new terms, including public abuse cases.

A vote on the revised Child Victims Act should be completed in just a few weeks—leading to a monumental change for victims, survivors and advocates everywhere.

If you were a victim of child sex abuse and looking to bring your case forward, trust the attorneys at Herman Law. For more information about how we can help you, visit our website or give us a call at 8000-686-9921.